In recent years, Diana has been teaching and writing extensively on Natural Awareness. Natural Awareness is the expansive, objectless, effortless form of mindfulness, sometimes referred to as “awareness of awareness.”
Her influences on the development of Natural Awareness teachings include Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen and Mahamudra, Hindu Advaita Vedanta, Thai Forest Tradition and contemporary Insight Meditation (both Theravadin Buddhist), and Zen Buddhism.
Diana leads many classes, retreats, and programs to study and practice Natural Awareness. Please check out her events page. She also has a Study Group for advanced students who wish to go deeper into this practice, but it is currently closed. Feel free to inquire via email for future dates.
Article: Uncover Your Natural Awareness at Lion's Roar
Pre-Recorded Class: The Spectrum Of Awareness Practices through Sangha Live (90 mins.)
Pre-Recorded Class: Uncovering your Natural Awareness through Sangha Live (90 mins.)
Audio Course: 12 part audio series: The Spectrum of Natural Awareness with the Waking Up app
(Coming in Summer 2021) Audio Course: Glimpses of Being: A Training Course on Expanding Mindful Awareness with Sounds True
Interview: "Diana Winston on Freedom and Pure Beingness with Natural Awareness"
on the Intimacy With the World Podcast with Durita Holm
YouTube / Apple Podcasts / Spotify
The little book of being: practices and guidance for uncovering your natural awareness
Audio: 34 mins.
Audio: 25 mins.
Selected books that have influenced Diana’s Natural Awareness teaching:
Blazing Splendor, the Memoirs of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
Carefree Dignity by Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Emptiness by Guy Armstrong
Heartwood of the Bodhi Tree by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu
I Am That by Nisargadatta
One Dharma: The Emerging Western Buddhism by Joseph Goldstein
The Radiance Sutras by Loren Roche
Reflections on a Mountain Lake by Tenzin Palmo
Shift into Freedom and The Way of Effortless Mindfulness by Loch Kelly
Small Boat, Big Mountain by Amaro Bhikkhu
The Way of Grace by Miranda MacPherson
You are the Eyes of the World by Longchempa, trans. by Lippman and Peterson
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Suzuki Roshi
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche (Note: this is not an endorsement of the author.)
Plus writings and teachings by Adyashanti, Hameed Ali, Karen Johnson, Richard Schwartz, Joanna Macy, among others.
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