Since 2006, Diana's work, first through UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center and currently with UCLA Mindful has emphasized making mindfulness teachings accessible to all, regardless of background, without sacrificing a depth of practice.
In recent years she has focused her teaching on Natural Awareness—the effortless, objectless, and spacious side of awareness practices.
Here you will find a selection of guided meditations for beginners, as well as experienced meditators.
You can join Diana virtually or in-person, most Thursdays for a live meditation at the Hammer Museum from 12:30-1pm Pacific Time. Learn more and register here.
These meditations are added to the award-winning, free, UCLA Mindful app each week.
The Spectrum of Awareness: Natural Awareness, Dharma Seed (56 minutes)
So What is this Thing Called Mindfulness?, Dharma Seed (48 minutes)
The Spiritual Journey, Dharma Seed (52 minutes)
Courage: A Tribute to Sayadaw U Pandita, Dharma Seed (51 minutes)
Visit Dharma Seed for additional lectures with Diana including those from retreats at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.