Diana's offerings

On-demand courses offer a chance to do more in-depth exploration of mindfulness topics—beyond guided meditation alone. Use the links below to join an on-demand, self-paced course.

To study with Diana in person or live online, please visit the Upcoming Events page. At this time Diana is unable to work with individual students.

On-demand course with Diana are also available through apps, including Happier, Waking Up, and the UCLA Mindful App.


Course description from Lion's Roar: Befriending Your Mind & Emotions: The Essential Guide to Mindfulness Practice is a practical and insightful online course designed to help you build a lasting mindfulness practice to create greater awareness, emotional balance, and calm in your everyday life.

This course offers a step-by-step approach to integrating mindfulness into your daily life—whether you’re navigating stress, managing difficult emotions, or simply looking to bring more presence and joy to your everyday experiences.

You’ll develop the skills to calm your mind, work skillfully with thoughts and emotions, and build a sustainable mindfulness practice. Whether you’re new to mindfulness or seeking to enrich your meditation routine, this course provides the foundation and essential practices to help you live with more clarity, kindness, and ease.

Learn more and enroll at Lion's Roar

New Course

self paced courses

Course description from Mindful Online Learning: In this heart-warming class, internationally known meditation teacher Diana Winston of UCLA Mindful guides us on a journey of forgiveness—a journey that includes forgiving others as well as ourselves.

Diana teaches with empathy, kindness, and gentleness, encouraging us to let go of the pain, anger, and self-blame we may be holding to find inner release and a renewed sense of freedom.

If you carry "hot coals of resentment" in your heart, as Diana describes, or other long-standing hurts, this course can help you find your way to a calmer, more peaceful space.

Learn more and enroll at Mindful Online Learning

Course description from Sounds True: Many of us have tried mindfulness meditation: where we concentrate closely on the breath or other object of attention. "But awareness spans a much wider domain," teaches Diana Winston.
In contrast to effortful and focused practice lies natural awareness—a state of peace, connection, and ease. If you've ever been absorbed in the flow of a sport, a walk in nature, or an artistic activity, then you've had a taste of this effortless and expansive experience.
With Glimpses of Being, this pioneering meditation teacher invites us to explore the full landscape of presence, with a special emphasis on natural awareness.
Here, you'll first learn about the wide range of mindfulness practices, from focused to flexible to natural awareness. Then, through an engaging variety of guided meditations, Winston helps us to experience them firsthand.
"With awareness, no practice is 'better' or 'superior,'" she explains. "Each one is helpful for different times and complements the others."

Learn more and purchase at Sounds True

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